What Can An Influencer Bring To Your Brand?

What Can An Influencer Bring To Your Brand?

What Can An Influencer Bring To Your Brand? Today’s society is completely submerged in a digital environment that never stops evolving and is surprising. We buy, sell, get information, have fun, and, ultimately, live interconnected through an actor gaining more and more weight among us: social networks.

As with the users, brands also take advantage of the opportunity to carve out their growth through good social media management. And that is where the fact of betting on launching quality content and advertising on Instagram passes, one of the pioneering channels in the expansion of companies today. They are accompanied by influencers whose power translates into a benefit for the business.

Instagram: The King Of Social Media Marketing

Since its birth in 2010, this social network has grown timidly to position itself today as one of the most used worldwide, sharing a ranking with Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. What at the beginning was an application focused on smartphones to edit user photos using filters and share them in other online channels is now considered an outstanding possibility for scaling the sale of any business’s products.

At the end of 2020, Instagram exceeded one billion users worldwide, which was exclusive to Facebook until then. According to Statista, the large market niche is in people between 18 and 35 (Millennials and Generation Z), primarily females. 

Thus, brands have found this social network the perfect bridge to reach more people and create advertising on Instagram that helps them increase their sales and popularity. But it has also been the perfect path for many influencers we know today. Thanks to the tandem formed by both parties, the fundamental objective of social media marketing is reached: gain in conversion. What Can An Influencer Bring To Your Brand?

But What Is An Influencer?

Trusting a person who understands something and has some experience in it makes us tip the scales when making decisions. Involving influential people in the online world is today a vital social media marketing tactic to expand the reach and extension of specific products. 

Considering this, it is understandable that both a company and a digital marketing agency want to work side by side with people who stand out in the social media landscape: influencers. This figure is very active. The one in charge of bringing freshness to a brand’s articles knows how to dialogue and interact with its public and, therefore, is persuasive with the audience. All these elements confer a climate of trust among followers, who seek reputation and class in the Instagram advertising they consume.

As a company interested in progressing and prospering, we must search among the wide range of influencers that flood the current “Instagram” scene. And it is that not everyone will be worth us. It is necessary to identify which subject penetrates our values ​​and objectives. It is also necessary to consider their ability to create opinions and the level of participation they can develop on a specific topic. What Can An Influencer Bring To Your Brand?

With the collaboration and support of the influencers, managing the social networks of the brand in question will be much more profitable. Thus, we can use your ability to convince you to launch a product or service with a fresh and youthful image that will undoubtedly capture the attention of all your followers. 

Influencer Marketing: Know Its Advantages

In addition to generating conversion, it is also vital to create engagement, that is, attract the public with suggestive Instagram advertising and optimal social media management, with the support of an influencer. And is that 70% of the engagement of the brands comes from the work that is developed with these influential figures. 

Already in 2019, Influencer Marketing had more than 50% presence in many companies. During that year and the next, Instagram was the favorite platform for influencer marketing, both in posts and stories and even in reels. More than 60% of users are interested in a product after seeing it on Instagram ads. What Can An Influencer Bring To Your Brand?

Since 2020, many countries such as the United States, Germany, and Spain, among others, have registered positive growth in investments and conversions in publications sponsored by influencers, thanks to the 20% of the budget used in this strategy. What Can An Influencer Bring To Your Brand?

With an Influencer Marketing strategy, which a digital marketing agency usually develops, traffic to our website will increase, translating into conversions. Generation Z and Millennials, the public most loyal to advertising on Instagram, are targets that are highly compatible with consumerism and have excellent purchasing power, promoted by influencers. This way, the company gains the quality of life, popularity, and fame. 

Also Read: What Is The CRM Strategy? 


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