The 12 Best Customer Service Techniques

The 12 Best Customer Service Techniques
  1. Take it seriously .The 12 Best Customer Service Techniques Form yourself. Many people think that customer service is “natural” or “normal”. After all, we all deal with people in our day to days.
  2. Listen carefully. The first contact with a client is marked by what he has to tell us. He may be interested in a new product, have a problem that needs solving, or demand immediate Money back from him. We must always pay meticulous and exact attention, listening calmly and attentively so that no detail escapes us
  3. Be human. We all want to be treated like people. The 12 Best Customer Service Techniques Don’t talk like a robot. Always ask for the customer’s first name and offer yours, whether you’re behind a counter or on the phone or chatting.
  4. Apologize. Probably the complaint or claim with which a client arrives at your establishment is not your fault, but that does not matter: as a company representative, it has been your turn to ask for forgiveness.
  5. Communicate. Make an effort first to understand what the customer needs (ask questions politely if necessary) and then express yourself clearly and bluntly
  6. Be decisive. What the client wants and needs is that you solve a problem, not that you make excuses or make him dizzy with technical explanations
  7. Be positive and cheerful. Customers want to associate with educated, vivacious and cheerful people. Never forget to say good morning or good afternoon, smile naturally and maintain a good mood.
  8. Never say “no”. The temptation is strong, but there are ways to avoid the word “no.” The result will almost always be more positive and responsive care, focused on resolving the customer’s problems and concerns.
  9. Know the product. Nothing is more frustrating for a customer than knowing more about a product than the person trying to sell it. 
  10. Keep calm. If you are dealing directly with customers, you will have to respond to the demands of an angry user more than once. In these situations, the golden rule is straightforward: stay calm. The 12 Best Customer Service Techniques If you get mad, too, the tone of the conversation will rise in volume, and there will probably be no way to reach any understanding.
  11. Take care of your body language. If you dedicate yourself to face-to-face attention, never neglect your gestures.
  12. Put yourself in his place. The golden rule of customer service is straightforward: put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Show empathy and treat him as you would like to be treated.

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