How To Make A Recruitment Plan

How To Make A Recruitment Plan

How To Make A Recruitment Plan is a perfect opportunity to build a team of employees related to the company. All Human Resources departments hire employees, but are they using the right tools? At EAE, we tell you everything about the recruitment plan!

What Is A Recruitment Plan?

A recruitment plan is a strategy in which recruiters can implement links with the company and the candidate. It is usually a document in which all the steps to follow are established. This document shows the available vacancies, the work days you want to cover, how to carry out the recruitment process, etc.

The main objective of the recruitment plan is to reduce the time to choose the best candidate.

Why Is It Necessary To Carry Out A Recruitment Plan?

Carrying out a recruitment plan is necessary from start to finish. If you want to know why we tell you some of the key points below:

  • You will find qualified staff
  • Time-saving
  • Candidates feel welcomed by the company
  • Increases the visibility of the company against the competition
  • process quality
  • There is no possibility of periods of inactivity in the company

These are some of the reasons why it is essential to make a recruitment plan. And you, would you implement one in your company if you had one?

Steps To Follow To Make A Recruitment Plan

Some professionals do not consider certain steps to follow when making a recruitment plan. However, at EAE, we firmly believe that all Human Resources departments should have bases for selecting employees.

1. Determine The Need

Before facing the selection process, we must know where the need comes from and what we need for our staff. This will be important because it will help us choose the KPIs necessary for the process. It is relevant to define how long this need will last, the level of relevance, and the budget to face it.

2. Determine The Job Position And The Necessary Skills

Once we know the needs of our company, we must define what tasks the person who covers the job will perform, as well as other aspects such as; risk, frequency, or responsibilities. From this analysis, we will have to build something like an imaginary robot portrait (physically), but concerning the skills required, it must be clear and precise. For this reason, it is necessary to clarify in the job offer the skills sought to fill that position.

3. Choose The Method Of Recruitment

There are many types of recruitment. We differentiate between external, internal, and mixed recruitment. The company will choose one kind of recruitment depending on the previous objectives.

external recruitment

External recruitment seeks talent outside the company. This search can be carried out using different strategies, such as:

  • headhunting process
  • Job portals
  • Social networks (for example, LinkedIn)
  • job fairs
  • Internet search
  • employment services
  • open day
  • Outsourcing

internal recruitment

Internal recruitment, unlike external recruitment, seeks to fill one or more vacancies through people who are already part of the company or have been part of it in the past. Some of the strategies to use in this type of recruitment are:

  • Talent pool
  • Referrals
  • Interns or workers in training
  • Rehiring
  • Mixed recruitment

As its name suggests, mixed recruitment is based on mixing strategies from the previous two to find the ideal candidate. Normally in this type of recruitment, the company enables a mailbox (digital or physical) to receive resumes from people outside the company while searching the template for the ideal candidate. Mixed recruitment is, therefore, a way of not closing any windows of opportunity.

4. Budget And Recruitment Sources

Unless the company is a large multinational, the recruitment budget is usually zero or very low since there are many free ways to fill vacancies. That is why, as a professional in the Human Resources department, you should carefully choose the fonts you want to use. But how to select these sources?

The answer is logical. For this, you must know in which niche your ideal candidate can be found. For example, if you are looking for a person with many years of training, you will not find them on social networks such as Instagram or TikTok, and you will have to search on specialized job portals or through recommendations.

5. Define The Process And Evaluation

This step may seem obvious, but in addition to deciding who will be in charge of interviewing the candidates, you have to determine how many of the selected profiles will be interviewed per day and how long each interview will last. In addition, you must define what tests or questions they must successfully pass to pass the selection process. Among the existing tests you can choose from are; psycho-technical tests, in-basket tests, and assessment centers…  You choose one or the other depending on the skills you need to corroborate.

6. Final Decision

The final decision must be chosen by a senior position in the company and, therefore, be a professional. The CEO  or line manager are some of the places that may be qualified for it. Once it has been decided who will choose the ideal candidate, a decision must be made as objectively as possible.

7. Incorporation And Training

Contrary to popular belief, the selection process does not end when the final decision is made. Once the selected employee has been notified of his incorporation into the company, he must be accompanied throughout the process. You should think about who will attend the new employee in his first steps and, if this is necessary, what training he will need when he is inside the company.

8. Evaluation

The last step before finishing the selection process is the evaluation. During this step, we must evaluate the employee. Is he doing fine? Maybe you need help with x task? How can I make him feel more welcome by the company?

The pertinent data will be collected during the evaluation to detail them in the strategic plan. If the company is finally happy with the worker and this feeling is reciprocal on both, it will mean that the recruitment plan has been a complete success.

Also Read: How To Create A Good Work Environment


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