Why Should You Perform An SEO Audit?

Why Should You Perform An SEO Audit?

Why Should You Perform An SEO Audit Whether you plan to launch a new version of your website, to develop an E-commerce part, if you change your website or if you migrate to another domain.

If you have problems with your website: low traffic, few sales/leads, visibility problems, etc.

Then we advise you to order an SEO audit.

Your Website Should Be Subject To A Regular Technical Review

The SEO audit is like a regular technical inspection of your car. You can drive without it, but it is better not to expose yourself to the fact that the vehicle will refuse to move one day or another. It’s the same for your website.

Some errors are not noticeable at first sight. Some are little things you know about but ignore for a long time. However, checking these “small details” can reveal some irregularities. They have a significant impact not only on the site’s functioning but also on its position in search engines and on the cost of AdWords advertising (quality score). Very often, these minor errors greatly hinder the development of the site.

It is good to take stock of the site’s current state at the very beginning of the collaboration. The SEO audit will determine the starting point and allow for analysis of the actual effects of the subsequent actions of the agency.

To assess the condition of the website, it is necessary to have information on: 

  • website loading speed,
  • website traffic,
  • website indexing,
  • positions in search engines,

You must access site analysis tools, such as the Google Search Console and Google Analytics, to check the different points. Why Should You Perform An SEO Audit Of course, this is only part of the information contained in the SEO audit. 

Clean Up Before You Start Something New

This is the time to check the current SEO strategy and its actual influence on the state of the site.

In this respect, the SEO audit will indicate in particular:

  • duplication of internal and external content,
  • 404 errors,
  • bad redirects,
  • the correct use or not of canonical tags,
  • errors in the structure of URLs,
  • the tag structure (meta, title, h1, h2, alt, etc.)
  • harmful internal and external links.

A good audit shows all the pages that can be better optimized. Why Should You Perform An SEO Audit This step will have the most significant impact on the subsequent results that your site will obtain in the search engines.

The SEO Audit Allows You To Check The Quality Of The Site And Its Position On Google

SEO is more and more demanding every year. Algorithm changes have raised Google’s requirements. In short, quality is now paramount. An audit of your site is a great way to test it. It should include not only a detailed analysis but also suggestions for changes, such as:

  • analysis and optimization of the site code,
  • URL analysis,
  • the removal of duplicate content,
  • optimization of the page structure,
  • the introduction or modification of metatags, i.e., the title and description of the page,
  • optimization of title tags and page headers,
  • image analysis and optimization for SEO,
  • verification of site visibility and traffic,
  • the study of the keywords and a proposal for modifying or expanding them.

Remember that quality is essential to Google. It, therefore, also has an impact on the positions that your website obtains in search engines. Improving the points mentioned above may lead to changes. And this, within a relatively short period after their implementation!

Help In Creating An SEO Strategy

All of the previous steps help create an effective SEO strategy. An SEO audit will also be of great support in choosing the keywords that will benefit visibility.

Also, the SEO audit should include site analysis and a more marketing-oriented strategy. This is the time when you can take a close look at your past activities, make the most of them and, at the same time, optimize your actions for even better results, with:

  • the keywords on which the site appears in search results,
  • the most popular pages of the site,
  • the number of links,
  • the number of domains from which the links come,
  • the quality of the parts from which the links come,
  • the link profile.

The SEO audit will also highlight the site’s competition. This way, you will know how your website is doing compared to similar sites. You will see what you are a leader in and what actions need to be taken to get better positions and outpace the competition. When used well, knowing what your competition is doing can give you an edge with a strategy that reinforces your weak spots. 

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