How To Publish My Pharmacy On Google My Business And Google Maps

How To Publish My Pharmacy On Google My Business And Google Maps

According to recently published data, approximately 50% of local consumers make queries or searches about the service or product they want to purchase before visiting the physical establishment.

For this reason, it is important to carry out correct local SEO positioning for your pharmacy that allows you to appear in Google Maps search results.

What Is Google My Business?

Google My Business is a free platform that allows local businesses to appear in search results.

In addition, it allows users to rate your pharmacy, so if you decide to include your business in the search results, you must carry out an impeccable relationship marketing strategy so that your reviews are positive.

Be careful. Review and rating systems are a double-edged sword. Satisfied clients may or may not leave their opinions on the networks. Still, a client dissatisfied with your services will do everything possible through digital media to make their displeasure visible.

Why Is It Necessary To Register Your Pharmacy On Google?

It is very simple because if you are not on the internet, you do not exist. The people who live next to your establishment will know you and will be loyal customers who visit you directly every time they need a medicine or a pharmacy product.

However, to increase your sales and reach a greater number of consumers, it is important to appear on the Google results map to increase your visibility and improve positioning. In addition, Google My Business is free, and you do not need advanced digital marketing knowledge to register your pharmacy.

It is a fact that Google’s Hummingbird update encourages local positioning and shows personalized search results to users targeted at their location, so you should use a tool with less power.

How To Register Your Pharmacy On Google My Business?

If you want to register your pharmacy on Google My Business for free, you can follow these steps:

  1. If you already have a Gmail account, you can use it. Otherwise, you should create one
  2. Enter Google My Business through here and click on the ‘manage now’ button
  3. Sign in with your Gmail email
  4. Enter the name of your company in case it already appears on Google, and if you cannot find it, at the bottom of the screen, click on ‘add your company to Google.’

Complete the registration process:

  • Enter the name of your pharmacy or company
  • Select whether you physically offer goods or services
  • Add the address
  • Select an option if your business already exists, or click on any of these options.
  • Use the location marker to select it on the map
  • Select if you offer services or products outside of that address
  • Add service areas (optional)
  • Choose the category of your company
  • Enter your phone number and your website if you have one
  • Complete the registration process

Verify the information. When you finish the registration process, Google will have to verify that you do indeed have a business in the location you have selected. Therefore, you will receive a postal mail with a card and a PIN code that you will have to use to verify your site. It usually takes less than two weeks to arrive, so you’ll have to be on the lookout.

Once you have completed the registration and verification process, your business will be seen within 24 hours.

Setting Up The My Business Listing

From the main page of Google My Business, you can configure a series of options to provide your information to your potential clients, such as your business hours or your brand image.


Google My Business allows you to publish events, products and services directly, so you can take advantage of this option to make relevant publications about your pharmacy. For example, Imagine that on date, Take advantage of My Business publications to give greater visibility to the event.

These posts are automatically removed after seven days or when you have marked the end date of the event.


Fill in these fields to have a complete file and show relevant information to users. You will have already completed some areas during the registration process, but you can select other advanced options such as labels.


Once you have verified your account, you will be able to see statistics about user interaction with users. You can see the following data:

  • People who have visited your file (directly or indirectly)
  • Visits from Google Maps and search engines
  • People who have visited the website (if you have one) have called your pharmacy or have clicked on ‘how to get there.’
  • Photo visits


Reviews, as we mentioned at the beginning, are a very important point for your pharmacy. The better the rating, the more likely you are to appear at the top of search results. Encourage, through your marketing strategy, that users leave their opinions about your business.


You can upload photos, videos, and images of your employees or equipment to create your brand branding and offer security to customers. The pictures you upload must be geolocated to indicate to Google that these images have been taken in your establishment.


It is recommended that you have a professional online store for your pharmacy. The ‘Google website’ option only displays generic information, and we do not recommend its use for aspirational projects that sell online.

Google AdWords Express

This option allows you to quickly and easily create cost-per-click campaigns to promote your pharmacy. It is a very basic option, which we do not recommend you use, that offers a tight configuration. If you want to advertise your pharmacy products on Google Shopping, you can do it with a professional service.


In the ‘users’ section, you can select which people (email accounts) can access your Google My Business listing.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Google My Business

There is no doubt that Google My Business is a fundamental tool to position your pharmacy locally, but like everything, and it requires work and organization to take advantage of its advantages and minimize the disadvantages.


  • Offer greater visibility for your pharmacy.
  • It allows you to reach people who are near your location through geolocation directly.
  • You will improve local SEO positioning and appear as a priority in search results from mobile devices if you work properly.
  • You can show with images and videos what your establishment is like and improve your brand branding.
  • If you do a good job, it will allow you to show everyone the benefits of your pharmacy through the reviews and comments system.


Currently, review systems need to gain more credibility. Google is working on eliminating fake reviews, but many people are still dedicated to boycotting and favoring certain businesses. In fact, some companies are committed to creating reviews.

Now you know how to create a Google My Business listing, how to manage it and the benefits it can have for your pharmacy. Take advantage of this free tool to connect with your potential consumers.

Also Read : Google Shopping Brings Sellers More Conversions.


We are a passionate group called HowComeTech. We are a team that offers a hundred per cent accuracy on technology, business, marketing, finance, and social networks.

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