Everything You Need To Know About Pre-Approved Loans

Everything You Need To Know About Pre-Approved Loans

Everything You Need To Know About Pre-Approved Loans: At present, it is common for banks to inform their clients that they have a loan available to them. This financing type, usually structured through pre-approved loans, is a new way to obtain liquidity through a quick, agile loan without paperwork.

What Is A Pre-Approved Loan?

Pre-approved or pre-approved loans are a type of financing that entities offer to their customers without them having to ask for it. In other words, the bank, actively and after analyzing the information it has on its customers, offers them a certain amount of money.

These types of loans allow access to financing much more accessible, with hardly having to submit documentation and with minimal waiting time. The entity has carried out the analysis of the client’s solvency in advance so that it can respond more agilely and offer the money much more quickly.

Yes, a pre-approved loan does not mean the loan is approved. Banks usually ensure the client’s solvency by conducting a second analysis, although this type of additional check is much faster than the usual ones.

Pre-approved Loan Requirements

Although there is no universal formula that establishes the requirements for entities to offer pre-approved loans Everything You Need To Know About Pre-Approved Loans

Generally, the people most likely to benefit from a pre-approved loan are those with a stronger relationship with the entity and have shown more excellent solvency. Having your payroll directly debited, not having overdrafts in your accounts, direct debiting receipts, or using bank cards regularly are some of the conditions that increase the chances of accessing this type of financing.

How Do I Learn If I Have A Pre-Approved Loan?

Generally, it will be the entity itself that tells us if we have a pre-approved or pre-approved loan available, sending us communications by different means: by phone, by email, by SMS, and especially when we access the Client Area. Everything You Need To Know About Pre-Approved Loans

Suppose the entity does not communicate anything through any of these channels. In that case, it is most likely that this client does not have any pre-approved loan at your disposal, either because they have yet to analyze your profile or because they have and consider that you do not meet the conditions to access this product. Everything You Need To Know About Pre-Approved Loans

In What Situations Are You Interested In A Pre-Approved Loan?

The main characteristic of pre-approved loans is their speedy approval and granting, In addition to the simplicity of the process. Everything You Need To Know About Pre-Approved Loans

For this reason, they are usually oriented to finance specific liquidity needs: a breakdown in the car, a damaged appliance, Christmas purchases, summer vacations… 

Although depending on the amount pre-granted and the conditions, They can also be used to finance the purchase of a car, whether new or used or a home renovation.

What Do I Require To Ask For A Loan?

The process is straightforward if you have a pre-approved loan with us. You have to enter your customer Area and, at the top of the page where you see the products you have contracted, click on the “ball” of the pre-approved loan. Then, in the simulator, you can choose the options that interest you most regarding terms or fees to pay, validate the operation, and instantly, you will have it available in your account.

And if you do not have a pre-approved loan, it will also be straightforward to request a loan:

  • If you are already a customer, once you enter your Customer Area, go to the personal loans page and tell us in our simulator the amount you need and the term in which you want to return it. 
  • This way, you will quickly know the monthly payment and if the loan is viable.
  • Afterward, you will only have to send us your last pay slip, as long as you have not had it domiciled with us for a few months. 
  • And in a few days, we will confirm if the loan is approved.
  • If you are not a customer, you must apply for a loan on the simulator. Right there, you calculate your quota and fill in your data. 
  • Then you will have to download the opening form, which we need you to return to us filled out and signed, along with a copy of your last pay slip and identification document. 
  • But you don’t have to worry because we will send a courier to pick it up for free where and when you tell us. 
  • When we have received the documentation, we will assess your application, and in a few days, we will confirm if the loan is approved.

Also Read: How Is The Financing Of Your Car Calculated?


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