Why Does Your Online Reputation Fail In Social Networks?

Why Does Your Online Reputation Fail In Social Networks?

Why Does Your Online Reputation Fail In Social Networks? Surely you have wondered why your brand, personal or business, does not obtain an excellent online reputation on Social Networks. Yes, we know these are only one of the tools to achieve a confident presence in the online world. 

But let’s not deny it either: it is one of the essential means to achieve it, and its correct management is necessary.

There is no written code for making the perfect or ideal use of Social Networks to position your brand on them. Each brand is different from one another, with its pros, cons, competitive advantages, breadth and characteristics of its target, etc. In short, the management of each online community requires a different series of work and tasks.

There needs to be a decalogue of exact steps or actions to be carried out to achieve success. However, certain acts can decide the balance of positioning and a good reputation favor or against your interests. 

On this occasion, we will briefly explain those small mistakes we can make, although sometimes they go unnoticed. They will not influence us too much. They can cause what we do not want to happen: your brand needs to obtain an excellent online presence through Social media.

What Mistakes Do Brands Tend To Fall More Into?

Believing That Social Networks Are Only Used To Sell: 

Promoting your brand is essential to reach the final consumer. This is one of many objectives for which you should use your Social Networks: interact with the community, respond to comments, generate conversation with other users, etc. These are some of the uses you should give them beyond the simple ‘self-promotion’ with which many companies try to attract users.

Ask For ‘Promotion’: 

Likes, retweets or follows can be used as KPIs to measure the impact of your publications and your brand. However, you must ensure that all of them come by their nature, that is, through quality content that is worth being valued by the community. Refrain from ‘begging’ for likes looking for your publications to get more reach since you will get users to start rejecting your brand.

Talk About Any Topic: 

Freedom of expression is highly discussed on Social Networks today. Any comment out of place usually ends in an avalanche of reproaches that lead the brand to eliminate it (grave error) or correct it (apologies, sometimes, is the most appropriate). Despite this, and knowing the current situation, there are specific topics that have always been considered taboo for brands since any mention of them can lead the community to think about declining one position in favor of the other (for part of the mark). Religion, politics, and, although it may not seem like it, football occupies the podium of ‘forbidden topics’.

Neglecting The Image: 

Our image on Social Networks is a faithful reflection of the brand’s image in the offline world, that is, of its actual presence. Just as we try to ensure that our clients, when they visit our business, get a good impression of our employees and the company‘s facilities, we must ensure that this impeccable image is projected in the same way through our Social Networks. To do this, take care of your header and profile images of the different platforms, use clear and clean language, avoid spelling mistakes, work on the quality of the content, etc. It is essential to update the entire profile when convenient: if you change your address or phone number if you want to adapt it to a specific holiday or promotion…

Open A Profile On All Available Social Networks: 

Your target audience is only on some existing Networks. This implies that you do not have to create a profile for each. Think about how your target behaves, how they interact, how old they are, what interests them, and most importantly: what is the best way to get them what you want to teach them.

Acting Without A Strategy:

Closely linked to the above. When we have defined our mark, the next step is to set the objectives to be achieved, their corresponding actions to take, and the tactics to achieve it, as well as think about the KPIs necessary to measure the results, allowing errors to be corrected and deviations detected to be addressed.

Forget Community Management: 

To create and maintain a good reputation, serving the community must be essential. Respond to complaints, propose solutions, follow people and brands that belong to the same sector, manage positive comments and detect the enrichment of each one of them, etc. They are necessary tasks for users to feel valued and loved by your brand.

Monotonous Publications: 

As we mentioned, only some Social Networks bring together the same public and host the same type of content. Not only to whom but also what, how and when to publish also influences when we change from one Social Network to another. Adapt your content to different media, and do not post the same message on all platforms where you have a profile created.

The next time you wonder why your brand is failing in Social Networks, start by discarding the fundamental errors. Once this is done, detect what other mistakes you may be making and discover the optimal path to reach a position in line with your potential 

Also Read: Advance Strategies In Social Networks


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